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Experience, Expertise, and a Passion for Results

Business Overview

Privy Capital is an Australian financial institution that offers small and medium-sized businesses and real estate professionals funding for property-backed transactions. This is a reputation that we have worked hard to build, and it is due to our strong financial footing, our successful track record, and our experienced workforce. 

Privy Capital is positioned as a direct lender in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector of the Australian economy, which is the largest employment group in Australia. Privy caters to the demands of wealthy investors and asset-rich small and medium-sized businesses by providing choices for short-term, quick finance that may be used for commercial purposes. These possibilities come with a flexible lending structure that is secured by real estate.

Market opportunities

There are over 2.5 million SMEs in Australia, a potential SME financing demand of $15 billion, and 40% of the top reasons why SME owners require cash flow is to maintain short-term liquidity.

Privy Capital obtains its private mortgages from a pool of high-net-worth investors whose values and priorities are congruent with those of the company. We do rid of restrictive red tape in order to resolve deals involving real estate-secured business loans as swiftly as possible, although most banks are unable to do this.

We are experts in providing loans ranging from $2 million to $100 million and more for the following purposes:

- First mortgages (up to 75% LVR).
- Transitional financing
- No presale construction credit and development finance
- Interest only rates beginning at 10%


Privy Capital Team

Andrew Chen

Andrew is a co-founder of Mega Capital, following 17 years’ experience in residential and commercial property markets in Australia, commencing in property sale and development, and then commercial investment sales and finally funds and investment management.He sources funds, drives corporate performance, and manages key client relationships. Andrew has a Master of Optoelectronics from UNSW and a Master of Honour in Telecommunication from USYD. Andrew is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English and has substantial residential and commercial property market expertise in Australia.

Oscar Zhuo

Oscar is a Responsible Manager on the AFS Licence. Oscar has extensive experience in the loan and funds management industry, having worked in the field for the past eight years. He also has expertise in investment management, the AFS licence and regulatory requirements, and the structure of funds. He boasts not only one but two master’s degrees in information technology, as well as an executive MBA from UNSW AGSM. Oscar is bilingual in Mandarin and English and possesses extensive expertise in the areas of sales, credit, technology, and managing teams.
